150 years ago, John Seavey of Seavey’s Candy’s introduced Maine to a unique treat he called the “Needham.” Made with a coconut and potato filling and covered with dark chocolate, this rich, sweet treat was also known as Maine’s iconic “potato candy.” It was made in kitchens throughout the state, and the recipe began showing up in local cookbooks like the one pictured below. Many Mainers have fond childhood memories of making Needhams with their mothers or grandmothers, or of stopping at the local corner store for an afternoon treat.

The tradition of the Maine Needham is something that we treasure here at the Maine Needham Company, and preserving, revitalizing and expanding that tradition are priorities we take seriously. We have a number of projects planned for this summer geared at highlighting the Needham history and sharing the memories and enjoyment of our state candy. We invite you to participate and follow us on Facebook and Instagram @MaineNeedhams as we celebrate the 150-year heritage of the Maine Needham.
